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3 Reasons Your Furnace Runs Constantly in Canyon Lake, TX


3 Reasons Your Furnace Runs Constantly in Canyon Lake, TX

If you’ve noticed that the furnace in your Canyon Lake, TX, home seems to run endlessly, you may wonder why. It can happen for multiple reasons, and you can resolve some of them yourself. Here are the three possible reasons your furnace runs constantly:

Dirty Air Filter

A dirty air filter is the most common cause of a constantly running furnace. When your air filter gets too dirty, it’ll impede airflow through your furnace. That will force your furnace to run longer to supply enough heat to your home.

You can solve this problem by replacing your furnace air filter. Generally, your furnace will require a new air filter roughly every three months.

Problems With Your Ductwork

Another reason your furnace might run longer than necessary is due to ductwork problems. If you have obstructed ducts or they develop leaks, your furnace will run longer to compensate. The same thing might happen if you close too many of your home’s vents.

If you close multiple vents, opening them may restore your furnace to regular operation. If you suspect your ducts have a blockage or an air leak, you’ll need professional help. Our ductwork experts can inspect your ducts and make repairs if necessary.

Thermostat Problem

Finally, a misconfigured or faulty thermostat may cause your furnace to run longer than necessary. To see if this is the issue, first check whether you’ve set your thermostat’s fan setting to the On position. That would cause your furnace blower to stay on, and setting the thermostat to Auto should solve the problem.

If your thermostat’s temperature sensor is inaccurate, it may cause your furnace to stay on as well. Check by placing a thermometer next to your thermostat to see if the readings match. If not, you may need a service technician to recalibrate or replace your thermostat.

If your furnace runs constantly and you can’t figure out why, we can help. Call Climate Control Heating & Air today to arrange a furnace repair appointment at your convenience.

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