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Why Won't My Heat Pump in Selma, TX Stay On?


Why Won’t My Heat Pump in Selma, TX, Stay On?

Does your heat pump experience frequent shutdowns? This phenomenon, known as short cycling, can cause discomfort during the hot summer weather. We’ll explain several reasons your heat pump in Selma, TX, won’t stay on.

Clogged Air Filter

Not changing your air filter every one to three months can cause major problems. A clogged filter restricts airflow into the system, making it work harder to maintain the correct temperature. An overworking system can cause components like the compressor or motor to overheat, prompting it to shut down to prevent total failure.

Improper Heat Pump Size

When you’re choosing a heat pump, your HVAC installer should do a Manual J calculation to determine a suitable size. This calculation factors in square footage, window size, window placement, household size and other considerations to ensure the heat pump is neither too large nor too small. Otherwise, it could short cycle.

If the system is too large for your property, it’ll switch off and on rapidly because it reaches the set point where the temperature sensors are but not necessarily in the rest of the home. If it’s too small, it can overwork the other components, causing the system to initiate protective mechanisms like shutting down.

Thermostat Malfunction

The thermostat is a device that allows you to adjust your home’s temperature and humidity settings. A faulty thermostat sends the wrong commands to the system, which could cause short cycling. Some causes of faulty thermostat failure include frayed wiring, dirty sensors, poor installation and manufacturer defects, all of which necessitate professional repairs.

Common causes of HVAC short cycling include clogged air filters, improper pump size and thermostat malfunction. Contact our team at Climate Control Heating & Air for all your heat pump repair needs. We’ll ensure your system runs optimally, maximizing indoor comfort and energy efficiency.

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