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3 Heat Pump Sounds That Mean Trouble in San Antonio, TX


3 Heat Pump Sounds That Mean Trouble in San Antonio, TX

It’s perfectly normal for heat pumps to be a bit on the noisy side, especially when starting up, but many noises are far from innocent. Since you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the winter in San Antonio, TX, without heat, it’s important to distinguish the threatening sounds from the harmless ones. The following are three different heat pump sounds that indicate a problem.

1. Banging

If the sound of metal banging against metal is coming from your heat pump, the most likely explanation is that a component has come loose. One of the pump’s fan blades could have begun striking it. Another possibility, especially during the winter, is that ice is in the interior. To eliminate this noise, an HVAC service tech will have to turn off the pump, inspect it, and tighten any loose parts.

2. Gurgling or Bubbling

If you begin to hear this sort of noise, you can be quite confident that, for one reason or another, your heat pump is low on refrigerant. Perhaps the system started leaking without you realizing it. Since heat pumps can’t perform heat transfer without refrigerant, you’ll have to call a service tech and ask them to replace it. This service is also included as part of a tune-up.

3. Buzzing

It’s normal for a heat pump to make a gentle humming noise as it works, but if that sound ascends to the level of an obtrusive buzz, check for debris in the outside unit. If there’s no obvious problem there, contact us. There could be an electrical issue that needs attention.

A noisy heat pump is probably a damaged heat pump. To keep your system from failing in the dead of winter, you need to know what noises herald bad news. Call Climate Control Heating & Air for the best heat pump services in the area if your system starts making a ruckus.

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